Creating Community Through Joyful Music Learning

There's music inside everyone just waiting to be heard. Whether you want to play, sing, listen, or learn, being a part of JOMP's music community will support your goals. So, how will you make your song heard?

Awarded since 1989
Awarded per year
Students served since 1989
Students per year
About us

From first musical steps to confidently taking the stage and everything in between, JOMP students are a community.

JOMP believes each and every musical journey should be a joyful one, but also one of consistent growth. Our outstanding faculty guide and help each student reach for music excellence.

Being part of a community of music learning is a joyful experience. The unique student/teacher relationship inspires and challenges. Ensembles and classes create meaningful connections.

Private instrumental and voice lessons for ages 6 through adult
Ensembles, orchestra, chorus, jazz groups, rock band, drumming and more
Group Instrument Classes for youth and JOMP Start music classes for babies through age 6
Why Jomp?

Our Values

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Joyful music learning and performance in a safe space.


Multiple avenues for musical growth and new challenges.


Music in all its forms, cultures, and expressions welcomed and celebrated.


Students of all ages supported and encouraged to confidently perform in a way that serves their personal musical growth.


All are welcomed into JOMP's musical community and are treated with respect and care.

No Barriers

A barrier-free space dedicated to ensuring that ALL people have access to quality music learning and performance opportunities.

Join us today.

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Our Impact

Creating a joyful community through music.

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Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident
Pellentesque elit ullamcorper dignissim
Nibh mauris cursus mattis molestie a iaculis
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